Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required by most universities in the US for admissions at the graduate level. GRE scores are one of the determining factors of scholarship opportunities for graduate studies.


Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required by most universities in the US for admissions at the graduate level. GRE scores are one of the determining factors of scholarship opportunities for graduate studies. It is an online Computer Adaptive Test administered by ETS. The GRE revised General Test is composed of three measures—Analytical Writing,

Verbal Reasoning, and Quantitative Reasoning.

  1. The Analytical Writing section measures the ability to articulate and support complex ideas, examine claims and accompanying evidence, sustain a focused and coherent discussion, and control the elements of standard written English. The Analytical Writing section requires you to provide focused responses based on the tasks presented, so you can accurately demonstrate your skill in directly responding to a task.
  2. The Verbal Reasoning section measures your ability to analyze and evaluate written material and synthesize information obtained from it; understand the meanings of words, sentences, and entire texts; and understand relationships among words and concepts. The Verbal Reasoning section measures your ability to understand what you read and how you apply your reasoning skills.
  3. The Quantitative Reasoning section measures your basic mathematical skills and your understanding of the elementary mathematical concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. The Quantitative Reasoning section measures your ability to understand, interpret, and analyze quantitative information and solve problems using mathematical models.

The Computer-based GRE revised General Test

 Typical Test Structure 

Assessing Types

Number of Questions

Allotted Time 

Analytical Writing(Analyze an Issue)


30 minutes

Analyze an Argument


30 minutes

Verbal Reasoning
*Reading Comprehensions
*Text Completion
*Sentence Equivalence

20 questions

30 minutes per section(Two sections)

Quantitative Reasoning

20 questions per section(Two sections)

35 minutes per section

Unscored* (Position varies) Varies Varies
Research** (At the end Varies Varies of the test)
* An unidentified, unscored section that does not count toward a score may be included and may appear in any order after the Analytical Writing section. Questions in the unscored section are being tried out either for possible use in future tests or to ensure that scores on new editions of the test are comparable to scores from earlier editions.
** An identified research section may be included in place of the unscored section. The research section will always appear at the end of the test. Questions in this section are included for ETS research purposes and will not count toward your score

The GRE revised General Test is available at about 700 test centers in more than

160 countries. In most regions of the world, the computer-based test is available on a

continuous basis throughout the year. In Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and

In Korea, the computer-based test is available one to three times per month. In areas of

the world where computer-based testing is not available, the test is administered in

a paper-based format up to three times a year. The hard copy of an information bulletin for GRE can be collected from the office of Quantum Leap Pvt. Ltd at Mahendrapool, Pokhara. For more information please visit our office or log on to the official website of GRE at


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